

Wow!! This whole week has been amazing!! I love snow and it always put me in merry spirits because I know that Christmas is just around the corner. The kids have had the whole week off and my husband worked from home 4 out of 5 days. Today we got at least 4 inches of snow and it is just beautiful - so light and fluffy and so much fun to play in. I can't help but smile everytime I look out the window. If it is snowing where you are - have fun and be a kid. Play in it, make snow angles, have a snow ball fight, and take lots of pictures!!!


Miss Kennedy

We first met this awesome family when their baby, Miss K was just a few weeks old. What an adorable baby with some of the most precious expressions! Below are her 0-6 weeks and 3 mo portraits. Pretty soon we'll put up her 6 mo and 1 year portraits (of course, she has to turn one first...)

Here she is at 3 months and just sooo cute! And her dimples will just melt your heart. Everytime I see her, I am at awe at how she just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Just when I thought she couldn't get more beautiful.... and look!!


The Perkins Family - Newberg Family Photography

Look! You would be so proud of me! I have put in two posts in one week!

This is the P Family and they are totally cool! Their kids are just the cutest ever! The older boy is so sweet and very social. He had so much to say and he was so entertaining. The younger boy seemed to love trains so we couldn't have been at a more perfect spot. He seemed to be completely fascinated by them. His smiles are so adorable and heart melting. Naomi liked him so much, she was quiet the whole session which is very rare.

The Turner Family

I know, I am so bad. It seems I only post about once a month. With the cute little baby and running the studio, things get pretty busy around here. Not to mention my two very sweet older children, my beloved husband, and everything else that is involved in running a house.

This is the T family and their two girls are just the cutest ever!! I first met this family a few years back when the older girl was only 3 months old and now she is 4! I am just in awe on how what a beautiful little girl she has become. And her little baby sister! I just wanted to take pictures of her all day! What a cutie!!


Aaron's First Birthday!

This little boy is such a cutie. These are his "I just turned one" portraits.


The Haslam Family

We photographed this family a few weeks back and they are one of the coolest families ever! We had a ton of fun and I feel so blessed for the opportunity to get to know them better. Here is the large group portrait. I know it may be hard to see individual faces here, but at the studio, it looks great!

Here are one of the smaller groupings.

Here is the original Haslam Family. The ones who started it all.



I thought that it might be appropriate to introduce myself. If you found this blog, then you probably already know that I am a photographer. I am also wife to the best man alive, Wayne, who sometimes doubles as my IT guy and brainstorming buddy. I generally don't make a big decision without his input first. I am also a mother of three beautiful children. My oldest is Adria and she is now thirteen years old (gasp!!). Next is my son, Jarom and he will be nine in October. Then comes the baby. Her name is Naomi (but we call her Nomi) and she just turned one. While Adria and Jarom are at school, I am usually out in the field on a portrait session. If you ever see a crazy gal with a camera and a baby in Newberg, Portland, or anywhere in between, that is probably me. Nomi comes with me everywhere I go and we have dubbed her the studio manager.

Whenever I get five minutes to myself, I try to read. By far my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice, the Anne of Green Gables series (I know, I'm a dork), and the HP series.

I am an ice cream fan. We never keep any in the freezer because it is my one weakness. I can resist cake, candy, chips, brownies, muffins, donuts, etc. They have no allure for me. People can wave it under my face and I would not bat an eye. They have no charm for me. But ice cream on the other hand... and we might as well as add Jello too.

That about sums up my life without writing a drawn out boring book. I always joke that I am very boring. I spend most of my days with my kids, behind a camera, in front of a computer (working), and not thinking about ice cream. When my little ones are in bed, I spend most of my time with the husband. If I get more than ten minutes, I might watch some HGTV and that is the gist of my life.

In this blog, it is my hope to find a bit more time to show some of our work and to share some of our life. Enjoy!


Newest Blogger

So excited to now have a blog. I have been thinking about starting one for almost 2 years but just never got around to it. Now that it is official, I am very thrilled to get started. Can't wait to go full steam ahead!