
The Fitzpatrick Family - Newberg Family Portraits

This family is so sweet! And they are cool! They totally wanted to have the coolest family portraits ever. They were totally up for any crazy idea I had. Now I kinda want to have something like this for my own family portrait... hmmmmm...


  1. Thanks, Rachel! We just loved working with you and now I'm gonna pass this link around to EVERYONE!
    ~The Fitz's

  2. Rachel! These are just wonderful!!! I doubt that I'm Tracie's Mom has anything to do with my opinion...lol. Seriously, what awesome work you do!
    p.s. I, too, have been passing the link around.
    Georgia Keith, MA

  3. I'm in Denver and these are great to, any suggestions on who can do this out here like the Fitz? They look great and fun Tracie, Boston....

  4. Thanks everyone! And Jodi, a good place to start would be the Professional Photographer of Colorado (http://www.ppcolorado.com/directory9-09.html) and that might point you in the right direction. I have only met one photographer from Colorado and her name is Sam Puc'. Her website is http://www.expressionsphotos.com/ Hope this helps!
